Tag Archives: Austrian scythe

What’s the best scythe for a beginner?

Whether it’s for controlling the nettles and other weeds around your allotment, clearing an overgrown patch of garden or larger-scale mowing in a meadow or orchard, the Austrian scythe is a wonderful tool to use. I always sell scythes as a … Continue reading

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Winter scything course

My scythe season normally runs from May to October with the majority of courses taking place in the spring and summer. However the scythe is a tool suitable for managing all kinds of vegetation and which can work in any … Continue reading

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Scythe improvers course feedback

Hi Steve, It’s Chris from the Improvers scything course here.  Wanted to say I had the most enjoyable day.  You tweaked my technique which had a huge positive impact on my self taught ‘skill’.  You also respected the fact that … Continue reading

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Scything and making hay by hand

I love hearing from students and their progress and successes after one of my courses. Rob came on my Learn to Scythe course at the beginning of June and set to making hay and hand baling it. Visit my Learn … Continue reading

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Old Trafford scything workshop 2019

It was National Meadow Day today and I had a fantastic day teaching a group how to scythe at Hullard Park in Old Trafford, Manchester. The park has a fabulous wildflower meadow which is in need of some cutting so … Continue reading

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Learn to scythe feedback from Nottingham

Some lovely feedback from Kevin Tone, Wellbeing Team Co-ordinator at the Wells Rd Centre, Nottingham. Hi Steve We all agreed that it’s the best couple of days training we have had, we loved it and are completely hooked! We spent … Continue reading

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Scything for mental health

Being outdoors, physical activity, group work and seeing the results of your efforts are all hugely beneficial to your mental health and scything with others fits the bill perfectly. So I’m incredibly pleased to have been invited to teach a … Continue reading

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Scything Miss Whalley’s Field in Lancaster

The scythe is a brilliant tool for volunteers and I’ve taught groups involved in managing community orchards, meadows, allotments and conservation sites across the UK. Scything is safe, quiet and allows everyone to work at their own pace. Last week … Continue reading

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Learning to scythe in Manchester

Scything and Billy Joel – only in Manchester! Continue reading

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Scything Stockport's community orchard

Scything in an urban orchard Continue reading

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